Wilson's Promenade
For the momentum of positive geography
there is a place covered with memories of 480 Linden-trees
thousands moonlights under a sky ,
billions first kisses ,
countless dates ,
millions melodies with different tunes
Linden-trees grow bigger and fly up
with every new generations of lovers,friends,students, poets...
They hold a secret of broken harts,
big loves,first loves,last loves.....
Story of universe
Stories of life or life stories
Whispers of city,reverence and glory........
Wilsonianisam would be expression for a legacy of promenade
that habitats will pass through time.
Place where we learn to dream,
to love,
to remember......
L.L.H. 1998
Basic facts;
Thomas Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)honorable 28th President of USA
13th President of Princeton University
34th Governor of New Jersey
Nobel Peace Price awarded at 1919,
Under his presidency women got guarantee the right to vote (19th Amendment),
He made public expression to honor motherhood ,every second Sanday in May since that time we celabrate Mothers Day.
After all President Willson struggled and overcome debilitating dyslexia throughout his
life.His great sensitivity,abiliity and determination to comperhend and resolute such complex dynamics of internacional affairs and his internacionalisam are truly legacy that we can treasure nowdays.
Promenade with 480 Linden -trees have been built under Austro-Hungarian officials,but city officials gave name Wilson's Promenade on 1914 to honor 28 th President of USA.In spite of attempts to change name under different officials, citizens of Sarajevo never accepted.
They continue to dream dreams and they never stop to call landmark Wilson's Promenade.
On April city decided to revitalised "Vilsonovo Setaliste".
Icon of town ,poet and professor beloved by citizens "cika"Kiko Izet Srajlic(1930-2002) wrote poem that have been known to many generations of Sarajlija.
Mi nemamo Bolunjsku sumu,
ni Hajd Park ni Vrapčja Brdai što se lirike tiče,
s jeseni, kad počne da opada lišće,
u ovoj varoši koja je baš u lirici oskudna i tvrdami
nismo imali gdje da idemo nego na Vilsonovo Šetalište.
Vilsonovo - naši Čistije Prudi, naš Kej Volter.
Odavde,mada su mnoge ptice iz mog pokoljenja docnije i zasvinjile,išli smo, mi Jovani, mi Ivani, mi Avde,neko u ministre, neko u De Vinjije.
Uopšte, nikad toliko pjesma nije bila cijenjena u mojoj domovini.
Knjigu stihova je držao svako, kao što danas drži volan
A dvoje na Vilsonovom, dvoje na mjesečini znalo je više
Šekspira nego danas cijela jedna škola.
Bilo je to davno.
Još nije bilo ni televizije ni sinemaskopa!
Zato su na sve strane treštali jambi i horeji
Lažem! Od Koreje, koja je tad krvarila, svaki čas i
Evropa mogla je da se zakoreji.
Moja draga, koja mi je u međuvremenu postala žena,
voljela je tada Jirži Volkera.
Mojoj dragoj, koja mi je u međuvremenu postala žena,
čitao sam tada Jirži Volkera.
Bili smo tad tako bogati, imali smo oči, ruke, usta.
To je iz Volkera.
U suštini, bili smo siromaštvo sâmo.
I mada je o našoj sreći govorila i glavna knjiga zemlje - Ustavda
da nije bilo neba naša ljubav ne bi imala ni krova nad glavom.
Bili smo niko i ništa, imali smo samo to nebo i taj život,
sem snova svega drugog lišen.
Da smo tada umrli za našim kovčegom išlo bi samo lišće.
Sada djeca uzmu kola i prvoj mis svijeta koju sretnu kažu - Izvolite.
Sada svaki maturant takoreći u prilici je da u garsonjeri, uz Baha ili uz Bitlse,
sjedne pored svoje Lolite.
Mi smo to činili na Vilsonovom, u prisustvu milicije.
I nije nam smetalo što Miljacka na tom mjestu postaje najobičnija bara
ni što milicija tako pomno nad moralom svojih sugrađana bdije.
Bilo je to davno. Umjesto memoarâ pisali smo svoje prve elegije.
Inače, u svijetu uvijek po jedna Koreja gine,u protivnom - od čega bi živjeli istoričari,
a ja, dok se sjećam Vilsonovog i mjesečine,
ja starim ja starim, ja starim.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
BOSTON 22.9 *C
K.Simonov great Russian poet and journalist wrote "Wait for me " to his love when hi was assigned to duty as war correspondent during a WWII....
Wait for me
Wait for me,
and I'll come back!
Wait with all you've got!
Wait, when dreary
yellow rains
Tell you, you should not.
Wait when snow is falling fast
,Wait when summer's hot,
Wait when yesterdays are past,
Others are forgot.
Wait, when from that far-off place,
Letters don't arrive.
Wait, when those with
whom you wait Doubt if I'm alive.
Wait for me, and I'll come back!
Wait in patience yet
When they tell you off by heart
That you should forget.
Even when my dearest ones
Say that I am lost,
Even when my friends give up,
Sit and count the cost,
Drink a glass of bitter wine
To the fallen friend -Wait!
And do not drink with them!
Wait until the end!
Wait for me and I'll come back,
Dodging every fate!
"What a bit of luck!" they'll say,
Those that would not wait.
They will never understand
How amidst the strife,
By your waiting for me, dear,
You had saved my life.
Only you and I will know
How you got me through.
Simply - you knew how to wait
No one else but you
Жди меня
Жди меня, и я вернусь.
Только очень жди,
Жди, когда наводят грусть
Желтые дожди,
Жди, когда снега метут,
Жди, когда жара,
Жди, когда других не ждут,
Позабыв вчера
Жди, когда из дальних мест
Писем не придет,
Жди, когда уж надоест
Всем, кто вместе ждет.
Жди меня, и я вернусь,
Не желай добра
Всем, кто знает наизусть,
Что забыть пора.
Пусть поверят сын и мать
В то, что нет меня,
Пусть друзья устанут ждать,
Сядут у огня,
Выпьют горькое вино
На помин души..
И с ними заодно
Выпить не спеши.
Жди меня, и я вернусь,
Всем смертям назло.
Кто не ждал меня,
тот пустьСкажет: - Повезло.
Не понять, не ждавшим им,
Как среди огня
Ожиданием своим
Ты спасла меня.
Как я выжил, будем знать
Только мы с тобой,
Просто ты умела ждать,
Как никто другой.
Wart auf mich
Wart auf mich,
ich komm zurück,
Aber warte sehr.
Warte, wenn der Regen
fälltGelb und trüb und schwer.
Warte, wenn der Schneesturm tobt,
Wenn der Sommer glüht.
Warte, wenn die andern längst,
Längst des Wartens müd
Warte, wenn vom fernen
OrtDich kein Brief erreicht,
Warte – bis auf Erden nichts
Deinem Warten gleicht
Wart auf mich,
ich komm zurück!
Kalt und stolz hör zu
Wenn der Besserwisser lehrt:„Zwecklos wartest Du! "
Wenn die Freunde wartensmüd
Mich betrauern schon,
Trauernd sich ans Fenster setzt
Mutter, Bruder, Sohn,
Wenn sie mein gedenkend,
dannTrinken herbe Wein.
Du nur trink nicht – warte noch
Mutig, stark, allein.
Wart auf mich, ich komm zurück!
Ja, - zum Trotz dem Tod,
Der mich hundert-, tausendfach
Tag und Nacht bedroht.
Für die Freiheit meines
Lands Rings umdröhnt,
Kämpfend fühl ich,
wie im Kampf
Mich dein Warten schützt.
Was am Leben mich erhält;
Weißt nur Du und ich:
Daß Du,so wie niemand sonst
Warten kannst auf mich.
Čekaj me,
i ja ću sigurno doći,
samo me čekaj dugo.
Čekaj me
i kad žute kiše
noći ispune tugom.
Čekaj i kada vrućine zapeku,
i kada mećava briše,
čekaj i kada druge
niko ne bude čekao više
Čekaj i kada pisma prestanu
stizati izdaleka,
čekaj i kada čekanje dojadi
svakome koji čeka.
Čekaj me, i ja ću sigurno doći.
Ne slušaj kad ti kažu
kako je vreme da zaboraviš
i da te nade lažu.
Nek poveruju i sin i mati
da više ne postojim,
neka se tako umore čekati
i svi drugovi moji,
i gorko vino za moju dušu
nek piju kod ognjista.
I nemoj sesti s njima,
i nemoj piti nista.
Čekaj me, i ja ću sigurno doći,
sve smrti me ubit neće.
Nek kaze ko me čekao nije:Taj je imao sreće!
Ko čekati ne zna,
taj neće shvatit,niti će znati
drugi da si me spasila ti jedina čekanjem svojim dugim.
Nas dvoje samo znaćemo kako
preživeh vatru kletu, -naprosto, ti si čekati znala
kao niko na svetu.
Comrades in Arms
It is as if my friends are marching
And I along with them, in time,
Through many different streets they're passing,
Those nearest, dearest friends of mine.
They are not those with whom I started
And learned my letters, in my place,
Nor those with whom I shaved moustaches
Still scarcely noticed on the face.
We have not drunk our tea together
,Divided bread in equal shares.
Quite unaware of my existence,
They go about their own affairs.
And yet the time will come when fortune
Will bring us side by side in war.
We'll tear a corner from a letter To roll the cigarette we share.
And we shall use an empty food-can
To scoop up water for a friend
And wrap a spare puttee around him
To help his wounded leg to mend.
By Konigsberg, one early morning ,
We both shall fall, two wounded men,
And then a month in hospital,
And we'll survive, and back again.
The sacred hot offensive frenzy
The bitter, brutal toil of war
Will bind as one our generation
An iron knot for evermore.
Как будто мы уже в походе
Военным шагом, как и я,
По многим улицам проходят
Мои ближайшие друзья;
Не те, с которыми зубрили
За партой первые азы,
Не те, с которыми мы брили Едва заметные усы.
Мы с ними не пивали чая,
Хлеб не делили пополам,
Они, меня не замечая,
Идут по собственным делам.
Но будет день - и по развёрстке
В окоп мы рядом попадём,
Поделим хлеб и на завёртку Углы от писем оторвём.
Пустой консервною жестянкой Воды для друга зачерпнём
И запасной его портянкой
Больную ногу подвернём.
Под Кенигсбергом на рассвете
Мы будем ранены вдвоём,
Отбудем месяц в лазарете,
И выживем, и в бой пойдём.
Святая ярость наступления,
Боёв жестокая страда
Завяжут наше поколенье
В железный узел, навсегда.
K.Simonov great Russian poet and journalist wrote "Wait for me " to his love when hi was assigned to duty as war correspondent during a WWII....
Wait for me
Wait for me,
and I'll come back!
Wait with all you've got!
Wait, when dreary
yellow rains
Tell you, you should not.
Wait when snow is falling fast
,Wait when summer's hot,
Wait when yesterdays are past,
Others are forgot.
Wait, when from that far-off place,
Letters don't arrive.
Wait, when those with
whom you wait Doubt if I'm alive.
Wait for me, and I'll come back!
Wait in patience yet
When they tell you off by heart
That you should forget.
Even when my dearest ones
Say that I am lost,
Even when my friends give up,
Sit and count the cost,
Drink a glass of bitter wine
To the fallen friend -Wait!
And do not drink with them!
Wait until the end!
Wait for me and I'll come back,
Dodging every fate!
"What a bit of luck!" they'll say,
Those that would not wait.
They will never understand
How amidst the strife,
By your waiting for me, dear,
You had saved my life.
Only you and I will know
How you got me through.
Simply - you knew how to wait
No one else but you
Жди меня
Жди меня, и я вернусь.
Только очень жди,
Жди, когда наводят грусть
Желтые дожди,
Жди, когда снега метут,
Жди, когда жара,
Жди, когда других не ждут,
Позабыв вчера
Жди, когда из дальних мест
Писем не придет,
Жди, когда уж надоест
Всем, кто вместе ждет.
Жди меня, и я вернусь,
Не желай добра
Всем, кто знает наизусть,
Что забыть пора.
Пусть поверят сын и мать
В то, что нет меня,
Пусть друзья устанут ждать,
Сядут у огня,
Выпьют горькое вино
На помин души..
И с ними заодно
Выпить не спеши.
Жди меня, и я вернусь,
Всем смертям назло.
Кто не ждал меня,
тот пустьСкажет: - Повезло.
Не понять, не ждавшим им,
Как среди огня
Ожиданием своим
Ты спасла меня.
Как я выжил, будем знать
Только мы с тобой,
Просто ты умела ждать,
Как никто другой.
Wart auf mich
Wart auf mich,
ich komm zurück,
Aber warte sehr.
Warte, wenn der Regen
fälltGelb und trüb und schwer.
Warte, wenn der Schneesturm tobt,
Wenn der Sommer glüht.
Warte, wenn die andern längst,
Längst des Wartens müd
Warte, wenn vom fernen
OrtDich kein Brief erreicht,
Warte – bis auf Erden nichts
Deinem Warten gleicht
Wart auf mich,
ich komm zurück!
Kalt und stolz hör zu
Wenn der Besserwisser lehrt:„Zwecklos wartest Du! "
Wenn die Freunde wartensmüd
Mich betrauern schon,
Trauernd sich ans Fenster setzt
Mutter, Bruder, Sohn,
Wenn sie mein gedenkend,
dannTrinken herbe Wein.
Du nur trink nicht – warte noch
Mutig, stark, allein.
Wart auf mich, ich komm zurück!
Ja, - zum Trotz dem Tod,
Der mich hundert-, tausendfach
Tag und Nacht bedroht.
Für die Freiheit meines
Lands Rings umdröhnt,
Kämpfend fühl ich,
wie im Kampf
Mich dein Warten schützt.
Was am Leben mich erhält;
Weißt nur Du und ich:
Daß Du,so wie niemand sonst
Warten kannst auf mich.
Čekaj me,
i ja ću sigurno doći,
samo me čekaj dugo.
Čekaj me
i kad žute kiše
noći ispune tugom.
Čekaj i kada vrućine zapeku,
i kada mećava briše,
čekaj i kada druge
niko ne bude čekao više
Čekaj i kada pisma prestanu
stizati izdaleka,
čekaj i kada čekanje dojadi
svakome koji čeka.
Čekaj me, i ja ću sigurno doći.
Ne slušaj kad ti kažu
kako je vreme da zaboraviš
i da te nade lažu.
Nek poveruju i sin i mati
da više ne postojim,
neka se tako umore čekati
i svi drugovi moji,
i gorko vino za moju dušu
nek piju kod ognjista.
I nemoj sesti s njima,
i nemoj piti nista.
Čekaj me, i ja ću sigurno doći,
sve smrti me ubit neće.
Nek kaze ko me čekao nije:Taj je imao sreće!
Ko čekati ne zna,
taj neće shvatit,niti će znati
drugi da si me spasila ti jedina čekanjem svojim dugim.
Nas dvoje samo znaćemo kako
preživeh vatru kletu, -naprosto, ti si čekati znala
kao niko na svetu.
Comrades in Arms
It is as if my friends are marching
And I along with them, in time,
Through many different streets they're passing,
Those nearest, dearest friends of mine.
They are not those with whom I started
And learned my letters, in my place,
Nor those with whom I shaved moustaches
Still scarcely noticed on the face.
We have not drunk our tea together
,Divided bread in equal shares.
Quite unaware of my existence,
They go about their own affairs.
And yet the time will come when fortune
Will bring us side by side in war.
We'll tear a corner from a letter To roll the cigarette we share.
And we shall use an empty food-can
To scoop up water for a friend
And wrap a spare puttee around him
To help his wounded leg to mend.
By Konigsberg, one early morning ,
We both shall fall, two wounded men,
And then a month in hospital,
And we'll survive, and back again.
The sacred hot offensive frenzy
The bitter, brutal toil of war
Will bind as one our generation
An iron knot for evermore.
Как будто мы уже в походе
Военным шагом, как и я,
По многим улицам проходят
Мои ближайшие друзья;
Не те, с которыми зубрили
За партой первые азы,
Не те, с которыми мы брили Едва заметные усы.
Мы с ними не пивали чая,
Хлеб не делили пополам,
Они, меня не замечая,
Идут по собственным делам.
Но будет день - и по развёрстке
В окоп мы рядом попадём,
Поделим хлеб и на завёртку Углы от писем оторвём.
Пустой консервною жестянкой Воды для друга зачерпнём
И запасной его портянкой
Больную ногу подвернём.
Под Кенигсбергом на рассвете
Мы будем ранены вдвоём,
Отбудем месяц в лазарете,
И выживем, и в бой пойдём.
Святая ярость наступления,
Боёв жестокая страда
Завяжут наше поколенье
В железный узел, навсегда.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just. B.Pascal
Pascal's legacy in existentialist thought.He found in his recognition of the finiteness of the human being -- caught between the nothingness from which being erupts and the infinite which is unfathomably larger than we can even imagine. Despite this finitude and our 'throwness' (as Heidegger would say), the human being maintains a unique dignity which transcends mere thing-ness.
As Pascal wrote:
"Man is a but a reed, weakest in nature, but a reed which thinks. It needs not that the whole Universe should arm to crush him. A vapour, a drop of water is enough to kill him. But were the Universe to crush him, man would still be more noble than that which has slain him, because he knows that he dies, and that the Universe has the better of him. The Universe knows nothing of this."
...Grad koji nema trijumfalnu kapiju - uopste i nije grad
Kako deca mogu da pohadjaju skolu bez toga
Kako vojnici mogu da podju u rat bez toga
Kako uopste da postoji grad koji nema tebe i mene
I jednu kapiju ljubavi
I kapiju sramote...... cika Mika A.
....City without Triumph Gate -generally it's not a city
How can kids go to school without it
How can solders go to war without it
How can possible exist city without you and me
And One Gate of Love
And gate of shame..... Mr.Mika A.
Good Morning Sunshine Wherever You Are
Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just. B.Pascal
Pascal's legacy in existentialist thought.He found in his recognition of the finiteness of the human being -- caught between the nothingness from which being erupts and the infinite which is unfathomably larger than we can even imagine. Despite this finitude and our 'throwness' (as Heidegger would say), the human being maintains a unique dignity which transcends mere thing-ness.
As Pascal wrote:
"Man is a but a reed, weakest in nature, but a reed which thinks. It needs not that the whole Universe should arm to crush him. A vapour, a drop of water is enough to kill him. But were the Universe to crush him, man would still be more noble than that which has slain him, because he knows that he dies, and that the Universe has the better of him. The Universe knows nothing of this."
...Grad koji nema trijumfalnu kapiju - uopste i nije grad
Kako deca mogu da pohadjaju skolu bez toga
Kako vojnici mogu da podju u rat bez toga
Kako uopste da postoji grad koji nema tebe i mene
I jednu kapiju ljubavi
I kapiju sramote...... cika Mika A.
....City without Triumph Gate -generally it's not a city
How can kids go to school without it
How can solders go to war without it
How can possible exist city without you and me
And One Gate of Love
And gate of shame..... Mr.Mika A.
Good Morning Sunshine Wherever You Are
Monday, June 23, 2008
Vrlo je važno,
pre svega,
da prvu ljubav
umeš da opišeš ćutanjem,
da je sagledaš žmureći,
da je dotakneš samo
osmehom i šaputanjem.
Vrlo je važno da o njoj
ne brbljaš okolo i nikom
ne daš da je dodiruje.
Ona je providna kao lutkino oko.
Ona je nežna kao tišina
koja hoda na prstima.
Ona je jedini nemir
koji ume da miruje.
Ona je sve tvoje nedokučivo,
sve tvoje srebrno i treperavo
kao daleko zvono,
a ipak je u tebi,
i nešto oko tebe...
Cika Mika Antic
Novi Sad
I recognized you when snow was melting
melting, and a soft wind blowing
closeness of spring intoxicating my soul
intoxicating, so I cravingly inhale the air
With gentleness I watched your footsteps trace,
trace on white snow and I knew that you would be dear to me
dear throughout my life
I recognized you on a reverberant day a drunk, fresh and soft day
I had a feeling I’d always known you known though I just recognized you
With gentleness I watched your footsteps trace ,
trace on white snow and I knew that you would be dear to me
dear throughout my life
I recognized you when ice was melting ice,
when spring breath is melting when
day is one moment rosy, one moment wist ful pale,
when happiness and sadness collide
With gentleness I watched your footsteps trace
trace on white snow and I knew that you would be dear to me,
dear throughout my life
Vrlo je važno,
pre svega,
da prvu ljubav
umeš da opišeš ćutanjem,
da je sagledaš žmureći,
da je dotakneš samo
osmehom i šaputanjem.
Vrlo je važno da o njoj
ne brbljaš okolo i nikom
ne daš da je dodiruje.
Ona je providna kao lutkino oko.
Ona je nežna kao tišina
koja hoda na prstima.
Ona je jedini nemir
koji ume da miruje.
Ona je sve tvoje nedokučivo,
sve tvoje srebrno i treperavo
kao daleko zvono,
a ipak je u tebi,
i nešto oko tebe...
Cika Mika Antic
Novi Sad
First Love
First and foremost
Oath to know how
To describe first love
With a silence
To oversee her with a blink
To touch her with a smile and whispering only…..
First and foremost
Do not gossip around,
And none one allow to touch her
She is apparent as doll eye
She is gentle as silence that walks on tiptoes
She is only restlessness who know how to rest
She is all yours inscrutable, unseizeable
All yours silvery and fluttery
Like a distant bell
Still something inside and around you …
M. Antic
Altruist Inc
I recognized you when snow was melting
melting, and a soft wind blowing
closeness of spring intoxicating my soul
intoxicating, so I cravingly inhale the air
With gentleness I watched your footsteps trace,
trace on white snow and I knew that you would be dear to me
dear throughout my life
I recognized you on a reverberant day a drunk, fresh and soft day
I had a feeling I’d always known you known though I just recognized you
With gentleness I watched your footsteps trace ,
trace on white snow and I knew that you would be dear to me
dear throughout my life
I recognized you when ice was melting ice,
when spring breath is melting when
day is one moment rosy, one moment wist ful pale,
when happiness and sadness collide
With gentleness I watched your footsteps trace
trace on white snow and I knew that you would be dear to me,
dear throughout my life
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Just looking at a rainbow is great sensation.With intense colors under the sky and you under the rainbow transcend feelings of happiness and harmony . Strong desire to become a part of perfect composition of shades, comparable with perfect melody that only Nature can create, or one of many other inspiring aspirations with powerful sense of Freedom.
To chase a Rainbow under the sky can be most rewarding at least for the sake of happiness.
Good Morning Sunshine wherever you are
Just looking at a rainbow is great sensation.With intense colors under the sky and you under the rainbow transcend feelings of happiness and harmony . Strong desire to become a part of perfect composition of shades, comparable with perfect melody that only Nature can create, or one of many other inspiring aspirations with powerful sense of Freedom.
To chase a Rainbow under the sky can be most rewarding at least for the sake of happiness.
Good Morning Sunshine wherever you are
Friday, June 20, 2008
Far from home and those I love ,
I find my thoughts turning to them with affectionate longing...
O G You who are with my loved ones ,who are distant even as you are within me here ,You hear their prayers as you hear mine.
Bless as and keep as united in spirit until we meet again....
May be bless first summer day....and many ,many to come.......
Good Morning Sunshine wherever you are
Far from home and those I love ,
I find my thoughts turning to them with affectionate longing...
O G You who are with my loved ones ,who are distant even as you are within me here ,You hear their prayers as you hear mine.
Bless as and keep as united in spirit until we meet again....
May be bless first summer day....and many ,many to come.......
Good Morning Sunshine wherever you are
BOSTON 18*C a few clouds
…No man is an island. entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee……”
Precisely I would like to start my blog with such fascinating quote of honorable John Donne its seams so true and actual nowadays, besides that capture reflection of my inner aspiration and values as Homo Sapience.
Every human being is composition of unique experience in present space and time with right for life and chance to prevail a happiness .
Learning to overcome own or environmental obstacles and limitations and achieve full individual potential would be base core of duties for individual as well as support of every society.
Most of time just with little responsibility, time and good will the worse can be prevented.
Most of time if we can see people instead of numbers outcomes will have happy- end .
Is that possible nowadays?
Or we simple forget or did not have time for nothing but "not having a time".
Shall we for a change have a little time to keep honestly oath do not harm.
Altruist Inc
Good Morning Sunshine wherever you are.....
…No man is an island. entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee……”
Precisely I would like to start my blog with such fascinating quote of honorable John Donne its seams so true and actual nowadays, besides that capture reflection of my inner aspiration and values as Homo Sapience.
Every human being is composition of unique experience in present space and time with right for life and chance to prevail a happiness .
Learning to overcome own or environmental obstacles and limitations and achieve full individual potential would be base core of duties for individual as well as support of every society.
Most of time just with little responsibility, time and good will the worse can be prevented.
Most of time if we can see people instead of numbers outcomes will have happy- end .
Is that possible nowadays?
Or we simple forget or did not have time for nothing but "not having a time".
Shall we for a change have a little time to keep honestly oath do not harm.
Altruist Inc
Good Morning Sunshine wherever you are.....
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Mr.Tim Russert great journalist author of such prestige's "Meet The Press" have died suddenly.
Journalist with passion,eloquence as well as humane and gentlemanly style.
Millions people watched "Meet The Press "with curiosity and confidence because after every single show they gained good insight who is who in the jungle called politics.
Mr.Russert was journalist who know how to ask right question right people at right time in very unique way.
For sure he made history in TV journalism.He sets high standards, that new generations can learn from and follow his foot steps.
Sincere condolences to his family and colleagues
Good Morning Sunshine ,wherever you are
Mr.Tim Russert great journalist author of such prestige's "Meet The Press" have died suddenly.
Journalist with passion,eloquence as well as humane and gentlemanly style.
Millions people watched "Meet The Press "with curiosity and confidence because after every single show they gained good insight who is who in the jungle called politics.
Mr.Russert was journalist who know how to ask right question right people at right time in very unique way.
For sure he made history in TV journalism.He sets high standards, that new generations can learn from and follow his foot steps.
Sincere condolences to his family and colleagues
Good Morning Sunshine ,wherever you are
Monday, June 16, 2008
London ,UK
"A memorial to journalists killed while doing their work has been unveiled by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. The 10m (32ft) glass and steel cone on top of BBC Broadcasting House in central London will shine a beam of light into the sky every night at 2200. " BBC
Memorial has been hold for translators, drivers , cameraman .... all brothers that are helping in process calling broadcasting and that lost there lives along with reporters.
Great gesture ,
Thank you BBC
Oh I wish so much
you would remember those happy
days when we were friends.
Life in those times was so much brighter
and the sun was hotter than today.
Dead leaves picked up by the shovelful.
You see, I have not forgotten.
Dead leaves picked up by the shovelful,
memories and regrets also,
and the North wind carries them away
into the cold night of oblivion.
You see, I have not forgotten
the song that you sang for me: It is a song resembling us.
We lived together, the both of us,
you who loved me and I who loved you.
But life drives apart those who love ever so softly
without a noise and the sea erases from the sand
the steps of lovers
gone their ways.
Jacques Prevert
(not complete original lyric)
.....C'est une chanson
qui nous ressemble
Toi, tu m'aimais et je t'aimais
Et nous vivions
tous deux ensemble
Toi qui m'aimais,
moi qui t'aimais
Mais la vie sépare
ceux qui s'aiment
Tout doucement,
sans faire de bruit
Et la mer efface
sur le sable
Les pas des
amants désunis.......
Good Morning Sunshine wherever you are.....
London ,UK
"A memorial to journalists killed while doing their work has been unveiled by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. The 10m (32ft) glass and steel cone on top of BBC Broadcasting House in central London will shine a beam of light into the sky every night at 2200. " BBC
Memorial has been hold for translators, drivers , cameraman .... all brothers that are helping in process calling broadcasting and that lost there lives along with reporters.
Great gesture ,
Thank you BBC
We all have ways to remembering, here is one of many;
The Dead LeavesOh I wish so much
you would remember those happy
days when we were friends.
Life in those times was so much brighter
and the sun was hotter than today.
Dead leaves picked up by the shovelful.
You see, I have not forgotten.
Dead leaves picked up by the shovelful,
memories and regrets also,
and the North wind carries them away
into the cold night of oblivion.
You see, I have not forgotten
the song that you sang for me: It is a song resembling us.
We lived together, the both of us,
you who loved me and I who loved you.
But life drives apart those who love ever so softly
without a noise and the sea erases from the sand
the steps of lovers
gone their ways.
Jacques Prevert
(not complete original lyric)
.....C'est une chanson
qui nous ressemble
Toi, tu m'aimais et je t'aimais
Et nous vivions
tous deux ensemble
Toi qui m'aimais,
moi qui t'aimais
Mais la vie sépare
ceux qui s'aiment
Tout doucement,
sans faire de bruit
Et la mer efface
sur le sable
Les pas des
amants désunis.......
Good Morning Sunshine wherever you are.....
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Once a year is such great tradition to celebrate fatherhood.
To remember important for some, most important role in humans experiences.
The rule that rise respect,solace and generosity to most other humans regardless to any kind of classifications.Most of them that they choose such important role,they have best intentions to fulfill it.Sooner or later everyone come to conclusion they did best what they can.
Most likely if there are in a life of they children , children become just a mirror in some way,if they are not around for any reason still there is memories,fictions , images, everything that little once remind to big magic word FATHER, his role or existence .
To all fathers in universe that love their children, teach them objectively perceive subjective reality, rise them to be decent human beings with respect to all...
Simply it is time to say thank you...
One of many wise lessons that author of this lines learn from father was French(at least love for that language),one of the first poem in entire learning process was "Barbara "from Jaques Prevert to impress mother for Mothers Day, since cooking was not his cup of tea.
But most important lesson that I learnt to fallow my Dream "priceless-ly "(means not for sale) with all my heart.
Rappelle toi Barbara
Il pleuvait sans cesse sur Brest ce jour-là
Et tu marchais souriante
Épanouie ravie ruisselante Sous la pluie
Rappelle toi Barbara
Il pleuvait sans cesse sur Brest
Et je t'ai croisée rue de Siam Tu souriais
Et moi je souriais de même
Rappelle toi Barbara
Toi que je ne connaissais pas
Toi qui ne me connaissais pas
Rappelle toi Rappelle-toi
quand même jour-là N'oublie pas
Un homme sous un porche s'abritait
Et il a crié ton nom
Et tu as couru vers lui sous la pluie
Ruisselante ravie épanouie
Et tu t'es jetée dans ses bras
Rappelle toi cela Barbara
Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime
Même si je ne les ai vus qu'une seule fois
Je dis tu à tous ceux qui s'aiment
Même si je ne les connais pas
Rappelle toi Barbara
N'oublie pas
Cette pluie sage et heureuse
Sur ton visage heureux
Sur cette ville heureuse
Cette pluie sur la mer
Sur l'arsenal
Sur le bateau d'Ouessant
Oh Barbara
Quelle connerie la guerre
Qu'es-tu devenue maintenant
Sous cette pluie de fer
De feu d'acier de sang
Et celui qui te serrait dans ses bras
Est-il mort disparu ou bien encore vivant
Oh Barbara
Il pleut sans cesse sur Brest
Comme il pleuvait avant
Mais ce n'est plus pareil et tout est abimé
C'est une pluie de deuil terrible et désolée
Ce n'est même plus l'orage
De fer d'acier de sang
Tout simplement des nuages
Qui crèvent comme des chiens
Des chiens qui disparaissent
Au fil de l'eau sur Brest
Et vont pourrir au loin
Au loin très loin de Brest
Dont il ne reste rien.
Remember Barbara
It rained relentlesly on Brest
that day
And you walked smiling
Beaming ravishing drenched
Under the rain
Remember Barbara
It rained relentlesly on Brest
that day
And I ran into you in Siam Street
You were smiling
And I smiled too
Remember Barbara
You whom I didn't know
You who didn't know me
Remember that day still
Don't forget
A man was taking cover on a porch
And he cried your name
And you ran to him
under the rain
Beaming ravishing drenched
And you threw yourself in his arms
Remember that Barbara
And don't be mad if I speak familiarly
I speak familiarly to everyone I love
Even if I've seen them only once
I speak familiarly to all who are in love
Even if I don't know them
Remember Barbara Don't forget
That good and happy rain
On your happy face
On that happy town
That rain upon the sea
Upon the arsenal
Upon the Ushant boat
Oh Barbara
What stupidity is war
What has become of you
Under this iron rain
Of fire and steel and blood
And he who held you in his arms
Is he dead and gone
or still so much alive
Oh Barbara
It's rained all day on Brest
As it was raining before
But it isn't the same anymore
And everything is wrecked
It's a rain of mourning terrible and desolate
Nor is it still a storm
Of iron and steel and blood
But simply clouds
That die like dogs
Dogs that disappear
In the downpour drowning
And float away to rot
A long way off
A long long way from
Of which there's nothing left
Sjeti se Barbara,
bez prestanka je kisilo
nad brestom toga dana,
a ti si hodala nasmijana
prokisla, radosna, ocarana,
pod kisom
sjeti se Barbara,
bez prestanka je kisilo nad brestoma
ja sam te sreo u ulici Sijama
smijesila si se,
i ja sam se smijesio ti koju nisam poznavao,
ti koja me nisi poznavala sjeti se sjeti se toga dana ne zaboravi
neki covjek je stajao u trijemu i viknuo tvoje ime,
a ti si po kisi k njemu potrcala radosna,
prokisla, ocarana u njegov zagrljaj pala
sjeti se toga Barbara,
ne ljuti se sto ti govorim ti ja kazem ti svima koje volim
cak i onima koje sam jednom vidio
ja kazem ti onima koji se vole cak i onima koje nisam upoznao.
sjeti se Barbara i ne zaboravitu kisu mudru i sretnu,
na svome licem sretnom nad ovim gradom sretnim
tu kisu iznad mora i iznad arsenalom
tu kisu sto je pala na brod iz Cezana
oh, Barbara rat je svinjarija
i sta je sa sobom sada
pod kisom kanonada ognja,
krvi i celika a onaj koji te je grlio,
zaljubljeno je li umro, nestao ili jos uvijek zivi
oh, Barbara bez prestanka kisi nad Brestom
jednako kao i tada ali to nije isto,
i sve je sruseno to su porotne kise, strasne i neutjesne
to nije oluja vise od ognja, krvi i celika to su naprosto oblaci
sto kao pseta crkavaju kao pseta sto nestaju u mlazu vode
nad brestom da trunu negdje daleko, daleko, daleko
od bresta
od koga nista ne osta.
Barbara, Barbara
Once a year is such great tradition to celebrate fatherhood.
To remember important for some, most important role in humans experiences.
The rule that rise respect,solace and generosity to most other humans regardless to any kind of classifications.Most of them that they choose such important role,they have best intentions to fulfill it.Sooner or later everyone come to conclusion they did best what they can.
Most likely if there are in a life of they children , children become just a mirror in some way,if they are not around for any reason still there is memories,fictions , images, everything that little once remind to big magic word FATHER, his role or existence .
To all fathers in universe that love their children, teach them objectively perceive subjective reality, rise them to be decent human beings with respect to all...
Simply it is time to say thank you...
One of many wise lessons that author of this lines learn from father was French(at least love for that language),one of the first poem in entire learning process was "Barbara "from Jaques Prevert to impress mother for Mothers Day, since cooking was not his cup of tea.
But most important lesson that I learnt to fallow my Dream "priceless-ly "(means not for sale) with all my heart.
Rappelle toi Barbara
Il pleuvait sans cesse sur Brest ce jour-là
Et tu marchais souriante
Épanouie ravie ruisselante Sous la pluie
Rappelle toi Barbara
Il pleuvait sans cesse sur Brest
Et je t'ai croisée rue de Siam Tu souriais
Et moi je souriais de même
Rappelle toi Barbara
Toi que je ne connaissais pas
Toi qui ne me connaissais pas
Rappelle toi Rappelle-toi
quand même jour-là N'oublie pas
Un homme sous un porche s'abritait
Et il a crié ton nom
Et tu as couru vers lui sous la pluie
Ruisselante ravie épanouie
Et tu t'es jetée dans ses bras
Rappelle toi cela Barbara
Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime
Même si je ne les ai vus qu'une seule fois
Je dis tu à tous ceux qui s'aiment
Même si je ne les connais pas
Rappelle toi Barbara
N'oublie pas
Cette pluie sage et heureuse
Sur ton visage heureux
Sur cette ville heureuse
Cette pluie sur la mer
Sur l'arsenal
Sur le bateau d'Ouessant
Oh Barbara
Quelle connerie la guerre
Qu'es-tu devenue maintenant
Sous cette pluie de fer
De feu d'acier de sang
Et celui qui te serrait dans ses bras
Est-il mort disparu ou bien encore vivant
Oh Barbara
Il pleut sans cesse sur Brest
Comme il pleuvait avant
Mais ce n'est plus pareil et tout est abimé
C'est une pluie de deuil terrible et désolée
Ce n'est même plus l'orage
De fer d'acier de sang
Tout simplement des nuages
Qui crèvent comme des chiens
Des chiens qui disparaissent
Au fil de l'eau sur Brest
Et vont pourrir au loin
Au loin très loin de Brest
Dont il ne reste rien.
Remember Barbara
It rained relentlesly on Brest
that day
And you walked smiling
Beaming ravishing drenched
Under the rain
Remember Barbara
It rained relentlesly on Brest
that day
And I ran into you in Siam Street
You were smiling
And I smiled too
Remember Barbara
You whom I didn't know
You who didn't know me
Remember that day still
Don't forget
A man was taking cover on a porch
And he cried your name
And you ran to him
under the rain
Beaming ravishing drenched
And you threw yourself in his arms
Remember that Barbara
And don't be mad if I speak familiarly
I speak familiarly to everyone I love
Even if I've seen them only once
I speak familiarly to all who are in love
Even if I don't know them
Remember Barbara Don't forget
That good and happy rain
On your happy face
On that happy town
That rain upon the sea
Upon the arsenal
Upon the Ushant boat
Oh Barbara
What stupidity is war
What has become of you
Under this iron rain
Of fire and steel and blood
And he who held you in his arms
Is he dead and gone
or still so much alive
Oh Barbara
It's rained all day on Brest
As it was raining before
But it isn't the same anymore
And everything is wrecked
It's a rain of mourning terrible and desolate
Nor is it still a storm
Of iron and steel and blood
But simply clouds
That die like dogs
Dogs that disappear
In the downpour drowning
And float away to rot
A long way off
A long long way from
Of which there's nothing left
Sjeti se Barbara,
bez prestanka je kisilo
nad brestom toga dana,
a ti si hodala nasmijana
prokisla, radosna, ocarana,
pod kisom
sjeti se Barbara,
bez prestanka je kisilo nad brestoma
ja sam te sreo u ulici Sijama
smijesila si se,
i ja sam se smijesio ti koju nisam poznavao,
ti koja me nisi poznavala sjeti se sjeti se toga dana ne zaboravi
neki covjek je stajao u trijemu i viknuo tvoje ime,
a ti si po kisi k njemu potrcala radosna,
prokisla, ocarana u njegov zagrljaj pala
sjeti se toga Barbara,
ne ljuti se sto ti govorim ti ja kazem ti svima koje volim
cak i onima koje sam jednom vidio
ja kazem ti onima koji se vole cak i onima koje nisam upoznao.
sjeti se Barbara i ne zaboravitu kisu mudru i sretnu,
na svome licem sretnom nad ovim gradom sretnim
tu kisu iznad mora i iznad arsenalom
tu kisu sto je pala na brod iz Cezana
oh, Barbara rat je svinjarija
i sta je sa sobom sada
pod kisom kanonada ognja,
krvi i celika a onaj koji te je grlio,
zaljubljeno je li umro, nestao ili jos uvijek zivi
oh, Barbara bez prestanka kisi nad Brestom
jednako kao i tada ali to nije isto,
i sve je sruseno to su porotne kise, strasne i neutjesne
to nije oluja vise od ognja, krvi i celika to su naprosto oblaci
sto kao pseta crkavaju kao pseta sto nestaju u mlazu vode
nad brestom da trunu negdje daleko, daleko, daleko
od bresta
od koga nista ne osta.
Barbara, Barbara
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Across the Universe in the middle of strawberries field there is a house of love with Sgt.Pepper's lonely hearts club band singing mantra that all we know along with little help from my friends :
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Little darling
It's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling
It feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Little darling
The smiles returning to the faces
Little darling
It seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Little darling it's feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling it's seems like years
since it's been clear
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun,
And I say it's all right
It's all right
Sun brings some inner light
And I Love Her/im
Beatles then and now.....
Good Morning Sunshine wherever you are......
Across the Universe in the middle of strawberries field there is a house of love with Sgt.Pepper's lonely hearts club band singing mantra that all we know along with little help from my friends :
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Little darling
It's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling
It feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Little darling
The smiles returning to the faces
Little darling
It seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes...
Little darling it's feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling it's seems like years
since it's been clear
Here comes the sun
Here comes the sun,
And I say it's all right
It's all right
Sun brings some inner light
And I Love Her/im
Beatles then and now.....
Good Morning Sunshine wherever you are......
Friday, June 13, 2008
BOSTON 27.7 *C
Mostly clear this evening,then become partly cloudy.....
The whole Earth is full of Beauty,
humans can lift up there minds and be attached to Absolute.
One's path toward meaningful unconditional love.....
Here I am sending an Angel before you to care for you on the way...
To bring you to the place that I have permitted...
Spot where cloud settled unconditional love.....
Good Morning Sunshine wherever you are...
Mostly clear this evening,then become partly cloudy.....
The whole Earth is full of Beauty,
humans can lift up there minds and be attached to Absolute.
One's path toward meaningful unconditional love.....
Here I am sending an Angel before you to care for you on the way...
To bring you to the place that I have permitted...
Spot where cloud settled unconditional love.....
Good Morning Sunshine wherever you are...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
For you my love
For you,
my love I went to a bird market
And I bought a bird
For you My love
I went to a flower market
And I bought a flower
For you My love
I went to a junk market
And I bought a chain
A heavily chain
For you
My love
And I went to a slave market
And I searched for you
But I couldn't find you anywhere
My love
Jaques Prevert
Love, all alike, no season knows, nor clime, nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.
Good Morning Sunshine,wherever you are
For you my love
For you,
my love I went to a bird market
And I bought a bird
For you My love
I went to a flower market
And I bought a flower
For you My love
I went to a junk market
And I bought a chain
A heavily chain
For you
My love
And I went to a slave market
And I searched for you
But I couldn't find you anywhere
My love
Jaques Prevert
Love, all alike, no season knows, nor clime, nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.
Good Morning Sunshine,wherever you are
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Even when the thunder and storm begins
I'll be standing strong like a tree in the wind
Nothing 's gonna move this mountain
Or change my direction
I'm falling off the sky
And I'm all alone
The courage that's inside's gonna break my fall
Nothing's gonna dim my light within
But if I keep going on
It will never be impossible
Not today
'Cause I've got something to believe in
As long as I'm breathing
There is not a limit to what I can dream
'Cause I've got something to believe in
Mission to keep climbing
Nothing else can stop me if I just believe
And I believe in me
Even when the world tries to pull me down
Tell me that I can, try to turn me around
I won't let them put my fire out, without no
But if I keep going on
It will never be impossible
Not today
Yes, I've got something to believe in
As long as I'm breathing
There is not a limit to what I can dream
'Cause I've got something to believe in
Mission to keep climbing
Nothing else can stop me if I just believe
And I believe I can do it all
Open every door
Turn unthinkable to reality
You'll see, I can do it all and more
Believing, as long as I'm breathing
There is not a limit to what I can dream
Believing, mission to keep climbing
Nothing else can stop me if I just believe
And I believe in me
Winning song at
Eurovision Song Contest 2008 Belgrad
Song have been performed by three great artists DIMA BILAN(singer)Evgeni Plushenko(legend in man's figure skating)and Edvin Marton violin virtuoso.Marton played on Stradivarius for that occasion. Song got 272 points.
Всё в твоих руках
Манит неизвестностью яркий свет,
Тени облаков и далеких планет -
Все как будто стало ближе
И все в нашей власти.
И сбудется однажды твоя мечта
Как бы далека не казалась она.
Надо только сделать к ней первый шаг.
Доказать себе, что нет
В этом мире невозможного ничего.
Так пусть тебе поможет небо,
Остановит время,
Поднимая крылья твои к небесам.
Так пусть тебе поможет небо
-Все еще возможно
Там, куда приводит однажды мечта,
Ведь все в твоих руках.
Город на ладони с высоких крыш,
Кажется, вот-вот, и сейчас ты взлетишь,
Словно это все в твоих руках,
В твоих руках!
Докажи себе, что нет
В этом мире невозможного ничего.
Так пусть тебе поможет небо,
Остановит время,
Поднимая крылья твои к небесам.
Так пусть тебе поможет небо
-Все еще возможноТам,
куда приводит однажды мечта
-Поверь в себя!
Не остановить, и не сбить с пути
Тех, кто искренне, не жалея сил,
Смело за своей мечтой
Остановит время,
Поднимая крылья твои к небесам.
Так пусть тебе поможет небо
-Все еще возможноТам,
куда приводит однажды мечта,
Ведь все в твоих руках.
Čak i kad počnu gromovi i oluje
ja ću stajati čvrsto kao drvo što se ne da vetru
Ništa neće pomeriti ovu planinu niti promeniti moj pravac
Padam sa neba i potpuno sam sam
Hrabrost u meni ublažiće pad
Ništa neće ugasnuti moj unutrašnji plam
Ali ako nastavim dalje
Nikad neće biti nemoguće
Ne danas
Jer imam nešto u šta verujem
Dok god dišem
Nema granice mojih snova
Jer imam nešto u šta verujem
Misiju da nastavim da napredujem
Ništa drugo ne može me zaustaviti
ako samo verujemi ja verujem u sebe
Čak i kad svet pokuša da me povuče nadole
Kažu mi da mogu, pokušaju da me preokrenu
Neću im dozvoliti da ugase moju vatru, bez ne
Ali ako nastavim dalje
Nikad neće biti nemoguće
Ne danas
Da, ja imam nešto u šta verujem
Dok god dišem
Nema granice mojih snova
Jer imam nešto u šta verujem
Misiju da nastavim da napredujem
Ništa drugo ne može me zaustaviti ako samo verujem i ja verujem
Ja mogu sve
Otvoriti svaka vrata
pretvoriti nezamislivo u realnost
Možeš videti, ja mogu sve i više od toga
Vera, dok god dišem
Nema granice mojim snovima
Vera, da nastavim da napredujem
Ništa me ne može zaustaviti ako samo verujem
A ja verujem u sebe
Good Morning Sunshine Wherever You Are
Even when the thunder and storm begins
I'll be standing strong like a tree in the wind
Nothing 's gonna move this mountain
Or change my direction
I'm falling off the sky
And I'm all alone
The courage that's inside's gonna break my fall
Nothing's gonna dim my light within
But if I keep going on
It will never be impossible
Not today
'Cause I've got something to believe in
As long as I'm breathing
There is not a limit to what I can dream
'Cause I've got something to believe in
Mission to keep climbing
Nothing else can stop me if I just believe
And I believe in me
Even when the world tries to pull me down
Tell me that I can, try to turn me around
I won't let them put my fire out, without no
But if I keep going on
It will never be impossible
Not today
Yes, I've got something to believe in
As long as I'm breathing
There is not a limit to what I can dream
'Cause I've got something to believe in
Mission to keep climbing
Nothing else can stop me if I just believe
And I believe I can do it all
Open every door
Turn unthinkable to reality
You'll see, I can do it all and more
Believing, as long as I'm breathing
There is not a limit to what I can dream
Believing, mission to keep climbing
Nothing else can stop me if I just believe
And I believe in me
Winning song at
Eurovision Song Contest 2008 Belgrad
Song have been performed by three great artists DIMA BILAN(singer)Evgeni Plushenko(legend in man's figure skating)and Edvin Marton violin virtuoso.Marton played on Stradivarius for that occasion. Song got 272 points.
Всё в твоих руках
Манит неизвестностью яркий свет,
Тени облаков и далеких планет -
Все как будто стало ближе
И все в нашей власти.
И сбудется однажды твоя мечта
Как бы далека не казалась она.
Надо только сделать к ней первый шаг.
Доказать себе, что нет
В этом мире невозможного ничего.
Так пусть тебе поможет небо,
Остановит время,
Поднимая крылья твои к небесам.
Так пусть тебе поможет небо
-Все еще возможно
Там, куда приводит однажды мечта,
Ведь все в твоих руках.
Город на ладони с высоких крыш,
Кажется, вот-вот, и сейчас ты взлетишь,
Словно это все в твоих руках,
В твоих руках!
Докажи себе, что нет
В этом мире невозможного ничего.
Так пусть тебе поможет небо,
Остановит время,
Поднимая крылья твои к небесам.
Так пусть тебе поможет небо
-Все еще возможноТам,
куда приводит однажды мечта
-Поверь в себя!
Не остановить, и не сбить с пути
Тех, кто искренне, не жалея сил,
Смело за своей мечтой
Остановит время,
Поднимая крылья твои к небесам.
Так пусть тебе поможет небо
-Все еще возможноТам,
куда приводит однажды мечта,
Ведь все в твоих руках.
Čak i kad počnu gromovi i oluje
ja ću stajati čvrsto kao drvo što se ne da vetru
Ništa neće pomeriti ovu planinu niti promeniti moj pravac
Padam sa neba i potpuno sam sam
Hrabrost u meni ublažiće pad
Ništa neće ugasnuti moj unutrašnji plam
Ali ako nastavim dalje
Nikad neće biti nemoguće
Ne danas
Jer imam nešto u šta verujem
Dok god dišem
Nema granice mojih snova
Jer imam nešto u šta verujem
Misiju da nastavim da napredujem
Ništa drugo ne može me zaustaviti
ako samo verujemi ja verujem u sebe
Čak i kad svet pokuša da me povuče nadole
Kažu mi da mogu, pokušaju da me preokrenu
Neću im dozvoliti da ugase moju vatru, bez ne
Ali ako nastavim dalje
Nikad neće biti nemoguće
Ne danas
Da, ja imam nešto u šta verujem
Dok god dišem
Nema granice mojih snova
Jer imam nešto u šta verujem
Misiju da nastavim da napredujem
Ništa drugo ne može me zaustaviti ako samo verujem i ja verujem
Ja mogu sve
Otvoriti svaka vrata
pretvoriti nezamislivo u realnost
Možeš videti, ja mogu sve i više od toga
Vera, dok god dišem
Nema granice mojim snovima
Vera, da nastavim da napredujem
Ništa me ne može zaustaviti ako samo verujem
A ja verujem u sebe
Good Morning Sunshine Wherever You Are
Jelena Tomasevic
Ko li miluje milo moje,
Ko li usne te snene budi?
Ne zaboravi ime moje
Kada krene da, da te ljubi
Klasje moje, ne spavaj.
Njega ljubi, mene uspavaj.
Ne lomi mi led, vodu nema,
Ne soli mi ranu, suza nema.
Ko li zaigra oro moje?
Neka ne igra za nas dvoje
Klasje, mene uspavaj.
Nuna nej, nuna nuna nuna nuna nuna nej..
Na Vidovdan probudi me da ga opet pogledam.
English Translation:
Who is caressing my dear one,
Who is waking up those sleepy lips?
Don't forget my name
When my wheat starts to kiss you, do not sleep.
Kiss him, put me to sleep.
Do not break my ice, it has no water,
Do not put salt on my wound, there are no tears.
Who is dancing my hora?
May they not dance for the two of us.
My wheat, put me to sleep.
Nuna ney, nuna nuna nuna nuna nuna ney...
Wake me on St.Vitus' day, so that I look at him again.
There is one person so devoted to tennis who kept small tennis ball in Green Gear or locker for almost 2 years
Inspite of injury still belive to play tennis
Jelena Tomasevic
Ko li miluje milo moje,
Ko li usne te snene budi?
Ne zaboravi ime moje
Kada krene da, da te ljubi
Klasje moje, ne spavaj.
Njega ljubi, mene uspavaj.
Ne lomi mi led, vodu nema,
Ne soli mi ranu, suza nema.
Ko li zaigra oro moje?
Neka ne igra za nas dvoje
Klasje, mene uspavaj.
Nuna nej, nuna nuna nuna nuna nuna nej..
Na Vidovdan probudi me da ga opet pogledam.
English Translation:
Who is caressing my dear one,
Who is waking up those sleepy lips?
Don't forget my name
When my wheat starts to kiss you, do not sleep.
Kiss him, put me to sleep.
Do not break my ice, it has no water,
Do not put salt on my wound, there are no tears.
Who is dancing my hora?
May they not dance for the two of us.
My wheat, put me to sleep.
Nuna ney, nuna nuna nuna nuna nuna ney...
Wake me on St.Vitus' day, so that I look at him again.
There is one person so devoted to tennis who kept small tennis ball in Green Gear or locker for almost 2 years
Inspite of injury still belive to play tennis
Monday, June 9, 2008
Time goes by fast , we will continue with introduction
Rose :
Ancient times gave the rose its origins. When Aphrodite’s lover, Adonis, died, his blood gave birth to the first red rose. The rose then became the symbol of love that sometimes wins over death, and also a symbol of rebirth
Rose have been inspiration over and over again to many artists in all domain of artistic expressions .
Rose - universal icon without borders
We all agree .....
Now I am going to post just one petal created century ago by extraordinary wizard of words name Rainer Maria Rilke(sweet childhood memories discovering magic world of literature in roses garden )
Sonete VI
"Rose, du thronende, denen im Altertume
warst du ein Kelch mit einfachem Rand.
Uns aber bist du die volle zahllose Blume,
der unerschöpfliche Gegenstand.
In deinem Reichtum scheinst du wie Kleidung
um Kleidung um einen Leib aus nichts als Glanz;
aber dein einzelnes Blatt ist zugleich die Vermeidung
und die Verleugnung jedes Gewands.
Seit Jahrhunderten ruft uns dein
Duft seine süßesten Namen herüber;
plötzlich liegt er wie Ruhm in der Luft.
Dennoch, wir wissen ihn nicht zu nennen, raten...
wir Und Erinnerung geht zu ihm über,
die wir von rufbaren Stunden erbaten.
Rose, you majesty-once, to the ancients, you were
just a calyx with the simplest of rims.
But for us, you are the full, the numberless flower,
the inexhaustible countenance.
In your wealth you seem to be wearing gown upon gown
upon a body of nothing but light;
yet each separate petal is at the same time the negation
of all clothing and the refusal of it.
Your fragrance has been calling its sweetest names
in our direction, for hundreds of years;
suddenly it hangs in the air like fame.
Even so, we have never known what to call it; we guess...
And memory is filled with it unawares
which we prayed for from hours that belong to us.
" To be a man is... to be responsible. It is to feel shame at the sight of what seems to be unmerited misery. It is to take pride in a victory won by one's comrades. It is to feel, when setting one's stone, that one is contributing to the building of the world. "
Rose :
Ancient times gave the rose its origins. When Aphrodite’s lover, Adonis, died, his blood gave birth to the first red rose. The rose then became the symbol of love that sometimes wins over death, and also a symbol of rebirth
Rose have been inspiration over and over again to many artists in all domain of artistic expressions .
Rose - universal icon without borders
We all agree .....
Now I am going to post just one petal created century ago by extraordinary wizard of words name Rainer Maria Rilke(sweet childhood memories discovering magic world of literature in roses garden )
Sonete VI
"Rose, du thronende, denen im Altertume
warst du ein Kelch mit einfachem Rand.
Uns aber bist du die volle zahllose Blume,
der unerschöpfliche Gegenstand.
In deinem Reichtum scheinst du wie Kleidung
um Kleidung um einen Leib aus nichts als Glanz;
aber dein einzelnes Blatt ist zugleich die Vermeidung
und die Verleugnung jedes Gewands.
Seit Jahrhunderten ruft uns dein
Duft seine süßesten Namen herüber;
plötzlich liegt er wie Ruhm in der Luft.
Dennoch, wir wissen ihn nicht zu nennen, raten...
wir Und Erinnerung geht zu ihm über,
die wir von rufbaren Stunden erbaten.
Rose, you majesty-once, to the ancients, you were
just a calyx with the simplest of rims.
But for us, you are the full, the numberless flower,
the inexhaustible countenance.
In your wealth you seem to be wearing gown upon gown
upon a body of nothing but light;
yet each separate petal is at the same time the negation
of all clothing and the refusal of it.
Your fragrance has been calling its sweetest names
in our direction, for hundreds of years;
suddenly it hangs in the air like fame.
Even so, we have never known what to call it; we guess...
And memory is filled with it unawares
which we prayed for from hours that belong to us.
" To be a man is... to be responsible. It is to feel shame at the sight of what seems to be unmerited misery. It is to take pride in a victory won by one's comrades. It is to feel, when setting one's stone, that one is contributing to the building of the world. "
Shall we start with little pearls that bond all universe with very important massage;
Even if men have forgotten this truth?!
The Little Prince remembers this maxim:"Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."
But, do you remember what follows?
It's the time you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important.You become responsible forever for what you have tamed.You are responsible for your rose....
Therefore, it is the Fox that makes him understand that his rose is unique in the world and the Little Prince realizes, with a little distance, that he was too young to have known how to love …
.... Le renard son ami, sage de son expérience, lui révèle un précieux secret. Ce secret est aujourd'hui un des plus connus au monde ("même si les hommes ont oublié cette vérité").
C'est grâce au Petit Prince que tout le monde se souvient de cette maxime :L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. Or, vous souvenez-vous de ce qui suit ?
C'est le temps que tu as perdu pour ta rose qui fait ta rose si importante. Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé.Tu es responsable de ta rose...
Ainsi c'est le renard qui lui fait comprendre que sa rose est unique au monde et le Petit Prince se rend compte, avec un peu de recul, qu'il était "trop jeune pour savoir l'aimer".
Thanks Little Princ to remind as what is important while we are on voyage through time specially when we start to act as grown - ups .
Let's look at 166 different ways to say or write Little Princ:
1 Abkhaz 1 Апринц хәыҷы 2 Afrikaans 1 Die klein Prinsie 3 Albanian (Gheg) 1 Princi i vogël Albanian (Tosk) 3 Princi i vogël 4 Ancient Egyptian 1 5 Alur 1 Nyathin wo rwoth manok 6 Elfdalian 1 Lisslprinsn 7 Amharic 1 8 Arabic 5 الأمير الصغير (Al-amir as-saghir) Arabic (Tunisian) 1 اﻷمير الصّغيَّر (Al-amir as-sghayyar) 9 Aragonese 2 O Prenzipet . Aragonese Braille 1 10 Aramaic 1 Malkuno Zcuro 11 Aramaic (Syriac) 1 12 Aranese 1 Eth petit prince 13 Armenian 2 Փոքրիկ իշխանը (Pokrig ishkhanë) 14 Aromunian 1 Njiclu Amirãrush 15 Azerbaijani 2 Балаҹа ШаһзадәBalaca Şahzadə 16 Asturian 1 El Principín 17 Badish-Alemannic 1 Dr chlei Prinz 18 Bambara 1 Masadennin 19 Basque 3 Printze Txikia 20 Bavarian 1 Da kloa Prinz 21 Belarusian 2 Маленькі прынц 22 Bengali 3 খুদে রাজকুমার (Khude Rajkumar)ছোট্ট রাজকুমার (Chotto Rajkumar) 23 Bergamese, Treviglio 1 'L Prìncep Picinì 24 Berlinian 1 Der kleene Prinz 25 Bernese German 1 Der Chly Prinz 26 Burmese 3 27 Bolognese 1 Al Pränzip Fangén 28 Bosnian 4 Mali Princ 29 Breton 1 Ar Priñs Bihan 30 Bulgarian 4 Малкият принц 31 Buryat 1 Бишыхан хан тайжа 32 Chinese 10 小王子 (Xiao wàng zi) 33 Danish 1 Den lille Prins 34 German 4 Der kleine Prinz German Braille 1 35 Alsatian 1 D'r klein Prinz 36 English 8 The Little Prince 37* Esperanto* 1 La Eta Princo 38 Estonian 6 Väike Prints 39 Extremaduran 1 El Prencipinu 40 Faroese 1 Tann lítli prinsurin 41 Filipino / Tagalog 1 Ang Munting Prinsipe 42 Finnish 3 Pikku Prinssi 43 Franconian 1 Der klaa Prinz 44 Franko-Provençal 1 Lo Petsou Prince 45 French 3 Le Petit Prince 46 Frisian, Western 1 De Lytse Prins 47 Friulian 1 Il pičul princip 48 Galician 3 O Principiño 49 Gascon 1 Lo Prinçòt 50 Georgian 3 პატარა უფლისწული (Patara uplistsuli) 51 Greek 11 Ο μικρός Πρίγκιπας 52 Guaraní 1 Mitãmi 53 Hakka 154 Hebrew 3 הַנָסִיךְ הַקָטָן (ha-nasikh ha-qatan) 55 Hessian 1 De klaane Prinz 56 Hindi 1 छोटा राजकुमार (Chhota Rajkumar) 57 Ido* 1 La princeto 58 Indonesian 2 Pangeran Kecil 59 Irish Gaelic 2 An Prionsa Beag 60 Icelandic 1 Litli Prinsinn 61 Italian 4 Il Piccolo Principe 62 Japanese 3 星の王子さま (Hoshi no Ōjisama) 63 Yiddish 1 דער קלײנער פּרינץDer kleyner Prints 64 Kabardian 1 Пщы Нэнау (Pshy Nănau) 65 Kannada 2 ಪುಟ್ಟ ರಾಜಕುಮಾರ (Putta Rajakumar) 66 Carinthian 1 Da klaane Prinz 67 Kazakh 2 Кішкентай Шахзада 68 Catalan 2 El Petit Príncep Catalan Braille 1 69 Khmer 1 70 Kyrgyz 1 Кичинекей Ханзада 71 German of Cologne 1 Dä kleine Prinz 72 Konkani 1 73 Corean 4 어린왕자 74 Corsian 1 U Principellu 75 Creole (Mauritius) 1 Zistwar Ti-Prens 76 Creole (Réunion) 1 Lo Ti Prins 77 Creole (Seychelles) 1 Pti Prens 78 Croatian 6 Mali Princ Mali Kraljević Croatian, Burgenland 1 Mali Princ 79 Kurdish (Kurmancî) 1 Mîrzayê Biçûk 80 Kurdish (Soranî) 1 شازاده چکۆله (Shazade chikole) 81 Ladin, Badia Valley 1 Le Pice Prinz 82 Ladin, Gherdëina 1 L Pitl Prinz 83 Languedoc 1 Lo Princilhon 84 Laotian (Lao) 1 85 Latin 2 Regulus - Vel Pueri Soli Sapiunt 86 Latvian 6 Mazais Princis 87 Limburgian, Southern 1 D'r klinge Prins 88 Lithuanian 2 Mažasis Princas 89 Lothringian 1 De klääne Prinz 90 Luxemburgian 2 De Klenge Prënz 91 Macedonian 1 Малиот Принц (Maliot Princ) 92 Malagasy 1 Ilay Andriandahy Kely 93 Malayalam 2 94 Maltese 2 Il-Princep iż-ŻghirIc-Ckejken Princep 95 Marathi 1 96 Milanese 1 El Princip Piscinin 97 Mongolian (cyrillic) 3 Бяцхан хунтайж (Byatskhan khuntaiydzh) Mongolian (traditional) 1 98 Neapolitan 2 'O Princepe Piccerillo 99 Nepali 2 फुच्चे राजकुमार (Phuchhe Rajkumar) 100 Niçard 1 Lou Pichin Prince 101 Dutch 1 De kleine Prins 102 Norwegian 2 Den lille Prinsen 103 Upper Austrian 1 Da kloane Prinz 104 Occitan (Piedmont) 2 Ël Pchi Prinsë 105 Oriya 1 106 Papiamento 1 E Prens Chikí 107 Pashto 1 کوچني شاهزاده (Kochnay Shahzade) 108 Pennsylvania German 1 Der glee Prins 109 Persian / Farsi 8 شازده کوچولو (Shazdeh kudzhulu) 110 Palatian 1 De kläne Prinz 111 Piedmontese 2 Ël Cit Prinsi 112 Low German, Hümmling 1 De lüttke Prinz 113 Low German, North 1 De lütte Prinz 114 Plautdietsch 1 Dee tjliena Prinz 115 Polish 5 Mały Książę 116 Portuguese 4 O Principezinho Portuguese Braille 1 . Portuguese, Brazil 1 O Pequeno Príncipe 117 Provençal 1 Lou Pichot Prince 118 Punjabi 1 119 Quechua, Cuzco 1 Quyllur llaqtayuq wawamanta 120 Quechua, Ecuador 1 Auquicu 121 Quechua, Puno 1 Kamachikuq Inkacha 122 Romansh Grischun 1 Il Pitschen Prinzi 123 Romansh Surmiran 1 Igl Pitschen Prenci 124 Romansh Sursilvan 1 Il Prenci Pignet 125 Romansh Vallader 1 Il Pitschen Prinzi 126 Romanes / Gypsy 1 O cino krajoro 127 Romanian 4 Micul Prinţ Romanian, Moldavian SSR 1 Микул Принц 128 Russian 9 Маленький принц 129 Saarlandian 1 De glään Brins 130 Saami, Inari 1 Uccâ priinsâš 131 Saami, Northern 1 Bás Prinssaš 132 Saami, Skolt 1 U’cc priinsâž 133 Sardinian 1 Su Prinzipeddu 134 Svabian 1 Dr kleine Prinz 135 Swedish 2 Lille Prinsen 136 Serbian 16 Мали принцMali Princ 137 Sinhalese 2 138 Slovak 5 Malý Princ 139 Slovene 3 Mali Princ 140 Sorbian 1 Mały princ 141 Spanish 19 El Principito . Spanish Braille 1 142 South Tyrolean 1 Dr Kluane Prinz 143 Tajik 2 Шаҳзодаи хурдакак (Shahzoda-i khurdakak) 144 Tahitian 1 Te tamaiti ari'i iti 145 1 146 Tamazight, Kabylia 1 Ageldun amectuh 147Tamazight, Morocco 1 148 Tamil 1 குட்டி இளவரசன் (Kutti ilavarasan) 149 Tatar 2 Нәни Принц (Näni Prins) 150 Telugu 1 151 Thai 2 เจ้าชายน้อย (Jâau Chaai Nóoi) 152 Tyrolean 1 Der kluene Prinz 153 Toba 1 So Shiỹaxauolec Nta'a 154 Czech 4 Malý Princ 155 Chechen 1 Жима эла (Zhima ela) 156 Turkish 9 Küçük Prens . Turkish Braille 2 157 Ukrainian 4 Маленький принц 158 Hungarian 2 A kis herceg 159 Urdu 2 ننّها شهزاده (Nannha Shahzada) 160 Uzbek 3 Кичкина ШаҳзодаKichkina shahzoda
Valencian 1 El príncep xiquet 162Venetian 1 El Principe Picinin 163 Vietnamese 4 Hoàng Tử BéCậu hoàng con 164 Welsh 1 Y Tywysog Bach 165 Viennese 1 Der klane Prinz 166 Zulu 1 Inkosana Encane
Velika je to tajna da li je ovca pojela jednu ružu ili ne.
Za vas, koji isto toliko volite malog princa, kao i za mene, nije nimalo svejedno da li je negde, bogzna gde, jedana ovca koju ne poznajemo, pojela ili nije, jednu ružu...
Pogledajte nebo. Zapitajte se: Gde je vaša ruza ?
I videćete kako se sve menja...
Naravno nijedna odrasla osoba neće nikada razumeti zašto to ima toliko značaja!
"Ono što je važno, ostaje nevidljivo oku običnog posmatrača
To je kao sa cvetom.
Ako voliš jedan cvet koji se nalazi na nekoj planeti,
prijatno je noću gledati u nebo.
Na svim zvezdama cveta cveće.
Samo na jednoj se nalazi tvoja ruza.
To je kao s vodom.
Ona koju si mi dao da pijem bila je kao muzika,
zbog čekrka i užeta... sećaš li se... bila je slatka i utolila žeđ.
Tražiti ćeš noću pogledom zvezde.
Moja je isuviše mala da bi ostavljala tragove
koje bi ti mogao da sledis.
Na njoj jedna ruža spava u kolevci od zvezdane prasine
Bolje je ovako.
Moja zvezda biće za tebe jedna nevidljiva daleka zvezda .
Volećeš dakle da posmatraš sve zvezde...
Možda neku od njih ne prepoznaš
Ali sve one dok ih posmatras onako blistave
i cvetne ce biti tvoji prijatelji.
Good morning Sunshine ,wherever you are
Even if men have forgotten this truth?!
The Little Prince remembers this maxim:"Anything essential is invisible to the eyes."
But, do you remember what follows?
It's the time you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important.You become responsible forever for what you have tamed.You are responsible for your rose....
Therefore, it is the Fox that makes him understand that his rose is unique in the world and the Little Prince realizes, with a little distance, that he was too young to have known how to love …
.... Le renard son ami, sage de son expérience, lui révèle un précieux secret. Ce secret est aujourd'hui un des plus connus au monde ("même si les hommes ont oublié cette vérité").
C'est grâce au Petit Prince que tout le monde se souvient de cette maxime :L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. Or, vous souvenez-vous de ce qui suit ?
C'est le temps que tu as perdu pour ta rose qui fait ta rose si importante. Tu deviens responsable pour toujours de ce que tu as apprivoisé.Tu es responsable de ta rose...
Ainsi c'est le renard qui lui fait comprendre que sa rose est unique au monde et le Petit Prince se rend compte, avec un peu de recul, qu'il était "trop jeune pour savoir l'aimer".
Thanks Little Princ to remind as what is important while we are on voyage through time specially when we start to act as grown - ups .
Let's look at 166 different ways to say or write Little Princ:
1 Abkhaz 1 Апринц хәыҷы 2 Afrikaans 1 Die klein Prinsie 3 Albanian (Gheg) 1 Princi i vogël Albanian (Tosk) 3 Princi i vogël 4 Ancient Egyptian 1 5 Alur 1 Nyathin wo rwoth manok 6 Elfdalian 1 Lisslprinsn 7 Amharic 1 8 Arabic 5 الأمير الصغير (Al-amir as-saghir) Arabic (Tunisian) 1 اﻷمير الصّغيَّر (Al-amir as-sghayyar) 9 Aragonese 2 O Prenzipet . Aragonese Braille 1 10 Aramaic 1 Malkuno Zcuro 11 Aramaic (Syriac) 1 12 Aranese 1 Eth petit prince 13 Armenian 2 Փոքրիկ իշխանը (Pokrig ishkhanë) 14 Aromunian 1 Njiclu Amirãrush 15 Azerbaijani 2 Балаҹа ШаһзадәBalaca Şahzadə 16 Asturian 1 El Principín 17 Badish-Alemannic 1 Dr chlei Prinz 18 Bambara 1 Masadennin 19 Basque 3 Printze Txikia 20 Bavarian 1 Da kloa Prinz 21 Belarusian 2 Маленькі прынц 22 Bengali 3 খুদে রাজকুমার (Khude Rajkumar)ছোট্ট রাজকুমার (Chotto Rajkumar) 23 Bergamese, Treviglio 1 'L Prìncep Picinì 24 Berlinian 1 Der kleene Prinz 25 Bernese German 1 Der Chly Prinz 26 Burmese 3 27 Bolognese 1 Al Pränzip Fangén 28 Bosnian 4 Mali Princ 29 Breton 1 Ar Priñs Bihan 30 Bulgarian 4 Малкият принц 31 Buryat 1 Бишыхан хан тайжа 32 Chinese 10 小王子 (Xiao wàng zi) 33 Danish 1 Den lille Prins 34 German 4 Der kleine Prinz German Braille 1 35 Alsatian 1 D'r klein Prinz 36 English 8 The Little Prince 37* Esperanto* 1 La Eta Princo 38 Estonian 6 Väike Prints 39 Extremaduran 1 El Prencipinu 40 Faroese 1 Tann lítli prinsurin 41 Filipino / Tagalog 1 Ang Munting Prinsipe 42 Finnish 3 Pikku Prinssi 43 Franconian 1 Der klaa Prinz 44 Franko-Provençal 1 Lo Petsou Prince 45 French 3 Le Petit Prince 46 Frisian, Western 1 De Lytse Prins 47 Friulian 1 Il pičul princip 48 Galician 3 O Principiño 49 Gascon 1 Lo Prinçòt 50 Georgian 3 პატარა უფლისწული (Patara uplistsuli) 51 Greek 11 Ο μικρός Πρίγκιπας 52 Guaraní 1 Mitãmi 53 Hakka 154 Hebrew 3 הַנָסִיךְ הַקָטָן (ha-nasikh ha-qatan) 55 Hessian 1 De klaane Prinz 56 Hindi 1 छोटा राजकुमार (Chhota Rajkumar) 57 Ido* 1 La princeto 58 Indonesian 2 Pangeran Kecil 59 Irish Gaelic 2 An Prionsa Beag 60 Icelandic 1 Litli Prinsinn 61 Italian 4 Il Piccolo Principe 62 Japanese 3 星の王子さま (Hoshi no Ōjisama) 63 Yiddish 1 דער קלײנער פּרינץDer kleyner Prints 64 Kabardian 1 Пщы Нэнау (Pshy Nănau) 65 Kannada 2 ಪುಟ್ಟ ರಾಜಕುಮಾರ (Putta Rajakumar) 66 Carinthian 1 Da klaane Prinz 67 Kazakh 2 Кішкентай Шахзада 68 Catalan 2 El Petit Príncep Catalan Braille 1 69 Khmer 1 70 Kyrgyz 1 Кичинекей Ханзада 71 German of Cologne 1 Dä kleine Prinz 72 Konkani 1 73 Corean 4 어린왕자 74 Corsian 1 U Principellu 75 Creole (Mauritius) 1 Zistwar Ti-Prens 76 Creole (Réunion) 1 Lo Ti Prins 77 Creole (Seychelles) 1 Pti Prens 78 Croatian 6 Mali Princ Mali Kraljević Croatian, Burgenland 1 Mali Princ 79 Kurdish (Kurmancî) 1 Mîrzayê Biçûk 80 Kurdish (Soranî) 1 شازاده چکۆله (Shazade chikole) 81 Ladin, Badia Valley 1 Le Pice Prinz 82 Ladin, Gherdëina 1 L Pitl Prinz 83 Languedoc 1 Lo Princilhon 84 Laotian (Lao) 1 85 Latin 2 Regulus - Vel Pueri Soli Sapiunt 86 Latvian 6 Mazais Princis 87 Limburgian, Southern 1 D'r klinge Prins 88 Lithuanian 2 Mažasis Princas 89 Lothringian 1 De klääne Prinz 90 Luxemburgian 2 De Klenge Prënz 91 Macedonian 1 Малиот Принц (Maliot Princ) 92 Malagasy 1 Ilay Andriandahy Kely 93 Malayalam 2 94 Maltese 2 Il-Princep iż-ŻghirIc-Ckejken Princep 95 Marathi 1 96 Milanese 1 El Princip Piscinin 97 Mongolian (cyrillic) 3 Бяцхан хунтайж (Byatskhan khuntaiydzh) Mongolian (traditional) 1 98 Neapolitan 2 'O Princepe Piccerillo 99 Nepali 2 फुच्चे राजकुमार (Phuchhe Rajkumar) 100 Niçard 1 Lou Pichin Prince 101 Dutch 1 De kleine Prins 102 Norwegian 2 Den lille Prinsen 103 Upper Austrian 1 Da kloane Prinz 104 Occitan (Piedmont) 2 Ël Pchi Prinsë 105 Oriya 1 106 Papiamento 1 E Prens Chikí 107 Pashto 1 کوچني شاهزاده (Kochnay Shahzade) 108 Pennsylvania German 1 Der glee Prins 109 Persian / Farsi 8 شازده کوچولو (Shazdeh kudzhulu) 110 Palatian 1 De kläne Prinz 111 Piedmontese 2 Ël Cit Prinsi 112 Low German, Hümmling 1 De lüttke Prinz 113 Low German, North 1 De lütte Prinz 114 Plautdietsch 1 Dee tjliena Prinz 115 Polish 5 Mały Książę 116 Portuguese 4 O Principezinho Portuguese Braille 1 . Portuguese, Brazil 1 O Pequeno Príncipe 117 Provençal 1 Lou Pichot Prince 118 Punjabi 1 119 Quechua, Cuzco 1 Quyllur llaqtayuq wawamanta 120 Quechua, Ecuador 1 Auquicu 121 Quechua, Puno 1 Kamachikuq Inkacha 122 Romansh Grischun 1 Il Pitschen Prinzi 123 Romansh Surmiran 1 Igl Pitschen Prenci 124 Romansh Sursilvan 1 Il Prenci Pignet 125 Romansh Vallader 1 Il Pitschen Prinzi 126 Romanes / Gypsy 1 O cino krajoro 127 Romanian 4 Micul Prinţ Romanian, Moldavian SSR 1 Микул Принц 128 Russian 9 Маленький принц 129 Saarlandian 1 De glään Brins 130 Saami, Inari 1 Uccâ priinsâš 131 Saami, Northern 1 Bás Prinssaš 132 Saami, Skolt 1 U’cc priinsâž 133 Sardinian 1 Su Prinzipeddu 134 Svabian 1 Dr kleine Prinz 135 Swedish 2 Lille Prinsen 136 Serbian 16 Мали принцMali Princ 137 Sinhalese 2 138 Slovak 5 Malý Princ 139 Slovene 3 Mali Princ 140 Sorbian 1 Mały princ 141 Spanish 19 El Principito . Spanish Braille 1 142 South Tyrolean 1 Dr Kluane Prinz 143 Tajik 2 Шаҳзодаи хурдакак (Shahzoda-i khurdakak) 144 Tahitian 1 Te tamaiti ari'i iti 145 1 146 Tamazight, Kabylia 1 Ageldun amectuh 147Tamazight, Morocco 1 148 Tamil 1 குட்டி இளவரசன் (Kutti ilavarasan) 149 Tatar 2 Нәни Принц (Näni Prins) 150 Telugu 1 151 Thai 2 เจ้าชายน้อย (Jâau Chaai Nóoi) 152 Tyrolean 1 Der kluene Prinz 153 Toba 1 So Shiỹaxauolec Nta'a 154 Czech 4 Malý Princ 155 Chechen 1 Жима эла (Zhima ela) 156 Turkish 9 Küçük Prens . Turkish Braille 2 157 Ukrainian 4 Маленький принц 158 Hungarian 2 A kis herceg 159 Urdu 2 ننّها شهزاده (Nannha Shahzada) 160 Uzbek 3 Кичкина ШаҳзодаKichkina shahzoda
Valencian 1 El príncep xiquet 162Venetian 1 El Principe Picinin 163 Vietnamese 4 Hoàng Tử BéCậu hoàng con 164 Welsh 1 Y Tywysog Bach 165 Viennese 1 Der klane Prinz 166 Zulu 1 Inkosana Encane
Velika je to tajna da li je ovca pojela jednu ružu ili ne.
Za vas, koji isto toliko volite malog princa, kao i za mene, nije nimalo svejedno da li je negde, bogzna gde, jedana ovca koju ne poznajemo, pojela ili nije, jednu ružu...
Pogledajte nebo. Zapitajte se: Gde je vaša ruza ?
I videćete kako se sve menja...
Naravno nijedna odrasla osoba neće nikada razumeti zašto to ima toliko značaja!
"Ono što je važno, ostaje nevidljivo oku običnog posmatrača
To je kao sa cvetom.
Ako voliš jedan cvet koji se nalazi na nekoj planeti,
prijatno je noću gledati u nebo.
Na svim zvezdama cveta cveće.
Samo na jednoj se nalazi tvoja ruza.
To je kao s vodom.
Ona koju si mi dao da pijem bila je kao muzika,
zbog čekrka i užeta... sećaš li se... bila je slatka i utolila žeđ.
Tražiti ćeš noću pogledom zvezde.
Moja je isuviše mala da bi ostavljala tragove
koje bi ti mogao da sledis.
Na njoj jedna ruža spava u kolevci od zvezdane prasine
Bolje je ovako.
Moja zvezda biće za tebe jedna nevidljiva daleka zvezda .
Volećeš dakle da posmatraš sve zvezde...
Možda neku od njih ne prepoznaš
Ali sve one dok ih posmatras onako blistave
i cvetne ce biti tvoji prijatelji.
Good morning Sunshine ,wherever you are
Saturday, June 7, 2008
by Lydia Lida Hrgic Simic
by Lydia Lida Hrgic Simic
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