Once a year is such great tradition to celebrate fatherhood.
To remember important for some, most important role in humans experiences.
The rule that rise respect,solace and generosity to most other humans regardless to any kind of classifications.Most of them that they choose such important role,they have best intentions to fulfill it.Sooner or later everyone come to conclusion they did best what they can.
Most likely if there are in a life of they children , children become just a mirror in some way,if they are not around for any reason still there is memories,fictions , images, everything that little once remind to big magic word FATHER, his role or existence .
To all fathers in universe that love their children, teach them objectively perceive subjective reality, rise them to be decent human beings with respect to all...
Simply it is time to say thank you...
One of many wise lessons that author of this lines learn from father was French(at least love for that language),one of the first poem in entire learning process was "Barbara "from Jaques Prevert to impress mother for Mothers Day, since cooking was not his cup of tea.
But most important lesson that I learnt to fallow my Dream "priceless-ly "(means not for sale) with all my heart.
Rappelle toi Barbara
Il pleuvait sans cesse sur Brest ce jour-là
Et tu marchais souriante
Épanouie ravie ruisselante Sous la pluie
Rappelle toi Barbara
Il pleuvait sans cesse sur Brest
Et je t'ai croisée rue de Siam Tu souriais
Et moi je souriais de même
Rappelle toi Barbara
Toi que je ne connaissais pas
Toi qui ne me connaissais pas
Rappelle toi Rappelle-toi
quand même jour-là N'oublie pas
Un homme sous un porche s'abritait
Et il a crié ton nom
Et tu as couru vers lui sous la pluie
Ruisselante ravie épanouie
Et tu t'es jetée dans ses bras
Rappelle toi cela Barbara
Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime
Même si je ne les ai vus qu'une seule fois
Je dis tu à tous ceux qui s'aiment
Même si je ne les connais pas
Rappelle toi Barbara
N'oublie pas
Cette pluie sage et heureuse
Sur ton visage heureux
Sur cette ville heureuse
Cette pluie sur la mer
Sur l'arsenal
Sur le bateau d'Ouessant
Oh Barbara
Quelle connerie la guerre
Qu'es-tu devenue maintenant
Sous cette pluie de fer
De feu d'acier de sang
Et celui qui te serrait dans ses bras
Est-il mort disparu ou bien encore vivant
Oh Barbara
Il pleut sans cesse sur Brest
Comme il pleuvait avant
Mais ce n'est plus pareil et tout est abimé
C'est une pluie de deuil terrible et désolée
Ce n'est même plus l'orage
De fer d'acier de sang
Tout simplement des nuages
Qui crèvent comme des chiens
Des chiens qui disparaissent
Au fil de l'eau sur Brest
Et vont pourrir au loin
Au loin très loin de Brest
Dont il ne reste rien.
Remember Barbara
It rained relentlesly on Brest
that day
And you walked smiling
Beaming ravishing drenched
Under the rain
Remember Barbara
It rained relentlesly on Brest
that day
And I ran into you in Siam Street
You were smiling
And I smiled too
Remember Barbara
You whom I didn't know
You who didn't know me
Remember that day still
Don't forget
A man was taking cover on a porch
And he cried your name
And you ran to him
under the rain
Beaming ravishing drenched
And you threw yourself in his arms
Remember that Barbara
And don't be mad if I speak familiarly
I speak familiarly to everyone I love
Even if I've seen them only once
I speak familiarly to all who are in love
Even if I don't know them
Remember Barbara Don't forget
That good and happy rain
On your happy face
On that happy town
That rain upon the sea
Upon the arsenal
Upon the Ushant boat
Oh Barbara
What stupidity is war
What has become of you
Under this iron rain
Of fire and steel and blood
And he who held you in his arms
Is he dead and gone
or still so much alive
Oh Barbara
It's rained all day on Brest
As it was raining before
But it isn't the same anymore
And everything is wrecked
It's a rain of mourning terrible and desolate
Nor is it still a storm
Of iron and steel and blood
But simply clouds
That die like dogs
Dogs that disappear
In the downpour drowning
And float away to rot
A long way off
A long long way from
Of which there's nothing left
Sjeti se Barbara,
bez prestanka je kisilo
nad brestom toga dana,
a ti si hodala nasmijana
prokisla, radosna, ocarana,
pod kisom
sjeti se Barbara,
bez prestanka je kisilo nad brestoma
ja sam te sreo u ulici Sijama
smijesila si se,
i ja sam se smijesio ti koju nisam poznavao,
ti koja me nisi poznavala sjeti se sjeti se toga dana ne zaboravi
neki covjek je stajao u trijemu i viknuo tvoje ime,
a ti si po kisi k njemu potrcala radosna,
prokisla, ocarana u njegov zagrljaj pala
sjeti se toga Barbara,
ne ljuti se sto ti govorim ti ja kazem ti svima koje volim
cak i onima koje sam jednom vidio
ja kazem ti onima koji se vole cak i onima koje nisam upoznao.
sjeti se Barbara i ne zaboravitu kisu mudru i sretnu,
na svome licem sretnom nad ovim gradom sretnim
tu kisu iznad mora i iznad arsenalom
tu kisu sto je pala na brod iz Cezana
oh, Barbara rat je svinjarija
i sta je sa sobom sada
pod kisom kanonada ognja,
krvi i celika a onaj koji te je grlio,
zaljubljeno je li umro, nestao ili jos uvijek zivi
oh, Barbara bez prestanka kisi nad Brestom
jednako kao i tada ali to nije isto,
i sve je sruseno to su porotne kise, strasne i neutjesne
to nije oluja vise od ognja, krvi i celika to su naprosto oblaci
sto kao pseta crkavaju kao pseta sto nestaju u mlazu vode
nad brestom da trunu negdje daleko, daleko, daleko
od bresta
od koga nista ne osta.
Barbara, Barbara