Tuesday, June 24, 2008



Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just. B.Pascal

Pascal's legacy in existentialist thought.He found in his recognition of the finiteness of the human being -- caught between the nothingness from which being erupts and the infinite which is unfathomably larger than we can even imagine. Despite this finitude and our 'throwness' (as Heidegger would say), the human being maintains a unique dignity which transcends mere thing-ness.
As Pascal wrote:
"Man is a but a reed, weakest in nature, but a reed which thinks. It needs not that the whole Universe should arm to crush him. A vapour, a drop of water is enough to kill him. But were the Universe to crush him, man would still be more noble than that which has slain him, because he knows that he dies, and that the Universe has the better of him. The Universe knows nothing of this."

...Grad koji nema trijumfalnu kapiju - uopste i nije grad
Kako deca mogu da pohadjaju skolu bez toga
Kako vojnici mogu da podju u rat bez toga
Kako uopste da postoji grad koji nema tebe i mene
I jednu kapiju ljubavi
I kapiju sramote...... cika Mika A.

....City without Triumph Gate -generally it's not a city
How can kids go to school without it
How can solders go to war without it
How can possible exist city without you and me
And One Gate of Love
And gate of shame..... Mr.Mika A.

Good Morning Sunshine Wherever You Are