Vrlo je važno,
pre svega,
da prvu ljubav
umeš da opišeš ćutanjem,
da je sagledaš žmureći,
da je dotakneš samo
osmehom i šaputanjem.
Vrlo je važno da o njoj
ne brbljaš okolo i nikom
ne daš da je dodiruje.
Ona je providna kao lutkino oko.
Ona je nežna kao tišina
koja hoda na prstima.
Ona je jedini nemir
koji ume da miruje.
Ona je sve tvoje nedokučivo,
sve tvoje srebrno i treperavo
kao daleko zvono,
a ipak je u tebi,
i nešto oko tebe...
Cika Mika Antic
Novi Sad
First Love
First and foremost
Oath to know how
To describe first love
With a silence
To oversee her with a blink
To touch her with a smile and whispering only…..
First and foremost
Do not gossip around,
And none one allow to touch her
She is apparent as doll eye
She is gentle as silence that walks on tiptoes
She is only restlessness who know how to rest
She is all yours inscrutable, unseizeable
All yours silvery and fluttery
Like a distant bell
Still something inside and around you …
M. Antic
Altruist Inc
I recognized you when snow was melting
melting, and a soft wind blowing
closeness of spring intoxicating my soul
intoxicating, so I cravingly inhale the air
With gentleness I watched your footsteps trace,
trace on white snow and I knew that you would be dear to me
dear throughout my life
I recognized you on a reverberant day a drunk, fresh and soft day
I had a feeling I’d always known you known though I just recognized you
With gentleness I watched your footsteps trace ,
trace on white snow and I knew that you would be dear to me
dear throughout my life
I recognized you when ice was melting ice,
when spring breath is melting when
day is one moment rosy, one moment wist ful pale,
when happiness and sadness collide
With gentleness I watched your footsteps trace
trace on white snow and I knew that you would be dear to me,
dear throughout my life