Monday, January 26, 2009

975 th Longing for Light/Ich lebe mein Leben


"I understood that within the soul from its primordial beginings there has been a desire for lights and an irrepressible urge to rise out of the primal darkness . The longing for light is the longing for consciousness "
C. G. Jung

One consciouses attempt for lyric translation

Ich lebe mein Leben

Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen,
die sich über die Dinge ziehn.
Ich werde den letzten vielleicht nicht vollbringen,
aber versuchen will ich ihn.

Ich kreise um Gott, um den uralten Turm,
und ich kreise jahrtausendelang;
und ich weiß noch nicht: bin ich ein Falke, ein Sturm
oder ein großer Gesang.

I live my life in growing orbits
which move out over the things in the world.
Perhaps I can never achieve the last,
but that will be my attempt.

I am circling around God, around the ancient tower,
and I have been circling for a thousand years,
and I still don't know if I am a falcon, or a storm,
or a great song.


I live my life in widening rings
that work their way through this world of things.
The final one I may not complete
but not because I accept defeat.

I encircle God and the ancient tower
a thousand years in outspreading gyre;
am I falcon or am I storm
or some unending song?

Good Morning Sunshine Wherever You Are