Wednesday, July 16, 2008

979th Knightly to Old Friend of Golden Age.....

27.8*C Most clearly

Medieval poem of Knights named "Prayers Answered"

"Behold,The Land of the Mighty is in bloody strife and turmoil.
Hear the tides of the godless Saxons, bringing death and fire.
Hear the silent supplication of our dead.
Where are our brave warriors of the shining helms, To free us from pain and shackles?
Our tears and entreaties To restore our pride and dignity remain unheeded.
Why do you mock our prayers, O Lord, With only a beardless boy and a sword
As our protectors?"

Once upon of Golden Arthur's time was the great castle Camelot.
Camelot was seat of power where inside a council was established.
Council were called Knight's of Round Table.
Round Table was constructed so that all knights were equal ,with no one having precedence over the others,regardless of background.
The wholeness of Round Table ,
The power of Kingship ,
The health of kingdom and fellowship depend upon The Queen
Since, she owned the Round Table
Golden Age full of stories that deal with individual adventure ,loyalty,duty,respect,honor,integrity,courage....
We still remember The Knight's Tales (where Arthur takes a less active role)
most popular are stories of the "Knight of the Lion","Erec and Enide" ,"Gawian and Green Knight's","Tristan and Isolde"
Knight would seek out adventure hoping to test skills,mettle and prowess as a warrior.
A knight would try to win the heart of lady ,either by rescuing her from adversary or demonstrating his skills in a jousting tournament.Courtly manner was considered to be almost as important with the ladies, as well as the knight's use of the sword and lance.
Golden rules never grow -out old indeed....
Many humans still believe...

Knightly to Old Friend in common cause

"Come forth, my old friend.
And set your foot in the land
Where time has no meaning.
Have faith, my old friend.
And cast your spell
Where the lands come alive with magic.
Have courage, my old friend;
for there is always hope.
For only the bravest,
May tread these dreaded paths.
Heed the messages from our ancient lore,my old friend.
For hidden within these pages,
The words will fill your mind
with your greatest adventures and fantasies,
But be prepare to face your worse nightmares."

Good Morning Sunshine Wherever You Are........